All disease is reflected in the brain at some level. So what can you do about that? Tap out your Cortices! This BodyTalk technique awakens and balances all areas of the brain. You can use it every day to bring balance to the left and right brain, increase focus and concentration, and reset the Amygdala, which is activated when you’re stressed.
Here’s how you do it:
- Place one of your hands across the back of your head, moving it down until your thumb is touching your neck. Let it rest there as you put your other hand on top of your head, spreading out the fingers of that hand. You will gently tap on your head using the spread fingers on this hand. Tap on your head as you breathe in and out.
Next, move the tapping hand to your sternum and tap there as you breathe in and out.
- Move the hand across the back of your head up higher, next to the position you just had it in. Again, tap on top of your head and then on your sternum.
- This is repeated until you have covered each area on your head from your neck to your eyebrows. It usually takes four positions, although small hands on a big head may take five.
- Now, put your hands on the sides of your head to balance your temporal lobes. Hold your hands there for a breathe in and out, then use one hand to tap on your head and one hand to tap on your sternum.
Would you like to learn more about tapping out your Cortices and watch a demo?
Make tapping out your Cortices a daily habit, just like brushing your teeth. It’s a vital part of the BodyTalk protocol, and can make an incredible difference in your life.
Sue Roddy Stewart is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified BodyTalk Practitioner and an Essential Oils Educator. Read more about her services or schedule an appointment.