Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Can crystals really heal? Take Two and Call Me in the Morning!

How is it possible that a rock can help in healing the human body? What proof do we have that crystals are not simply inanimate objects that serve no purpose other than their aesthetic appeal?  Is there a science behind the use of crystals and physical healing?

Piezoelectric Energy and Crystals

Crystals form in the ground through a combination of water, heat and pressure, the latter being the state of piezoelectric energy.  Quartz crystals have a unique ability to convert electrical energy to mechanical energy and vice versa. This is called the piezoelectric effect.  In 1880, scientists Jacque and Pierre Curie first demonstrated this effect that stemmed a revolution of technology using quartz.

They showed that quartz crystals have the ability to receive, process and transmit precise

vibrations which stimulate the energy in many of our modern technological devices.  Computers, digital watches, radios, sonar, cigarette lighters, electric guitars, electrical units in cars and satellites all operate on crystalline energy.

Since then, scientists have also found that quartz crystals are capable of receiving and transmitting energy that can store, amplify, transfer, and transform other vibrational frequencies of energy in the form of precise, periodic pulses.  The US military made the decision to incorporate crystal control into all of their communications systems in 1939, and military historians say this decision contributed greatly to the Allied victory in World War II.
According to Dr. Richard Gerber in his book Vibrational Medicine, “The crystalline structure will respond in unique and precise ways to a wide spectrum of energies including heat, light, pressure, sound, electricity, gamma rays, microwaves, bioelectricity and even the energies of consciousness. In response to these varying energetic inputs, the molecular structure of the crystal will undergo particular modes of oscillation, thereby creating specific vibratory frequencies of energy transmission.”

Crystals and Healing

How does this all translate to healing the human body?  The chemical make-up of crystals is silicon oxide. Our bodies also have a silicon base and it has been shown that the pineal gland (which some people consider to be the master gland) also has a crystalline structure.

Tests have shown that every mineral specimen has a vibratory rate that, when matched to different parts of the human body, will assist in bringing that part of the body back to its natural vibration.  Quartz crystal has the closest vibration to that of the human body of any other mineral which is why it is so effective in healing work.  Renowned IBM scientist and crystal healer Marcel Vogel points out, “The crystal is a neutral object whose inner structure exhibits a state of perfection and balance.”

The crystal has an almost innate intelligence which helps it to focus on the needs of the physical body for healing.  The crystal amplifies and directs its energy to “unblock” the stagnant energy thereby allowing for balance in the energy system.
When we are not in touch with our feelings, our thoughts, and our spiritual connection, our energy field becomes unaligned causing physical discomfort and even illness.  Because healing is not simply a physical act, the resonance of crystals also works on the mental, emotional, and spiritual levels to assist us in understanding the nature of our dis-ease.  The ability of crystals to assist us with our own awareness is a key factor in how they help us heal.
Marcel Vogel also noted that we can transfer thought forms into crystals.  He states,
“Although the crystal may be used for “mind to mind” communication, its higher purpose…is in the service of humanity for the removal of pain and suffering.  With proper training, a healer can release negative thought forms which have taken shape as disease patterns in a patient's physical body.” 

The key concept which Dr. Vogel has presented is that the quartz crystal is capable of amplifying and directing the natural energies of the healer.  The subtle energies of the healer’s field become focused and coherent in a manner similar to a laser.
(Vibrational Medicine – pages 338 – 339)

How Does This Help You?

I have seen and experienced many examples of crystal healing which have given me the freedom to live with a more open mind, a healthier emotional state and a happier all around existence.  The crystals helped to put me in touch with my “true” nature, allowing me to see life from a different perspective, clearing out many of the old conditionings and beliefs that I once held.  In doing so, not only am I better able to live my life with awareness, but to also restore the connection to my inner and outer spirit.

Healing is not simply about curing a pain or a dis-ease.  True healing unlocks the blocks that prevent us from letting go of the past in order to live in the present moment.  Crystals and stones are a pathway by which we can direct our lives to a more perfect union with the Universal Consciousness.  Crystals are pure thought forms, pure energy that allow us the gift of a joyful, complete existence. 

Diane Bloom established Free Spirit Crystals in 1991 in the Milwaukee area and has been in her current location since 1995. She will be teaching a Numerology class here at Integrative Healing Institute® on May 30-31. Call or go online to sign up! 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Numbers Never Lie!

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The study of numerology has been around since the days of Pythagoras (570 – 495 BC) who taught his students that nothing could exist without the influence of numbers.  He brought to light that the entire universe could be expressed through numbers, that numbers are energy and everything, including our names and birthdays, have a meaning through numbers.

We can chart our entire lives in numbers that can show us the patterns and lessons that we have come here to learn.  Numerology helps us to understand our personality in combination with the path that we are meant to traverse in this lifetime - what did I come here to do, what am I best suited to do, what are my strengths and weaknesses and how might I best go about attaining that information?

Through numerology we can determine our best methods of articulation, discover how to relate to others through our gifts and become the best expressions of ourselves to offer the world. 

Doing the charts of your children, significant others, family and friends assists you in knowing them on a deeper level so that you can relate to your combined likenesses differences on a more compassionate level.  Knowing numerology gives you an immediate advantage when you first meet someone in that it gives you information on how to express yourself to them.

Numerology is becoming one of our most comprehensive tools in gaining knowledge of the self.  If you have a desire to unlock more doors into the workings of your life, then the study of numerology is for you!

Diane Bloom established Free Spirit Crystals in 1991 in the Milwaukee area and has been in her current location since 1995. She will be teaching a Numerology class here at Integrative Healing Institute® on May 30-31. Call or go online to sign up!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy Part 1

     The Lymphatic system consists of all organs, glands, lymph nodes and lymph vessels located throughout the entire body. Functions of this immune system include defending the body against disease, cleansing the body of toxins and ridding the body of excess fluid. In addition, the Lymph acts as a secondary circulatory or transportation system carrying crucial information from the endocrine system throughout the body. Lymph fluid, also called interstitial fluid, bathes tissues and helps to deliver nutrients and oxygen to cells. A little known fact is that the lymphatic system is also responsible for absorbing fats and fat solulible substances from the digestive system.

     The Lymphatic system is a vast all encompassing circulatory system that has no pump, instead fluid is moved as a result of respiration and movement of muscles in the body. Challenges to the lymphatic system like: sedientary lifestyles, injury or traumas, surgery, illness, poor diet and issues like diabetes are stressors that may become symptomatic and lead to other problems if left untreated.
     Lymphatic drainage therapy can provide additional support and aid in beneficial circulation and proper elimination of excess fluid. Lymphatic drainage therapy can encourage the immune system to function at a higher level, aid the digestive system in absorption and removal of fats and assists the lymph system as it maintains the volume of tissue fluid in the body keeping edema and swelling from becoming abnormal.     

*Clients are advised to consult their health care provider before beginning any new treatment.

About Kim Krost
Kim Krost is owner of Integrative Healing Institute® in San Antonio Texas. She is a licensed massage therapist and massage therapy instructor teaching a variety of wellness classes including Reflexology and Reiki. In addition to management of the Institute she has maintained a holistic bodywork practice since 1999 using Lymphatic Drainage Therapy, Reflexology, and Natural Reflex Therapy®.