Many individuals note beneficial changes like weight loss or
body sculpting effects in 1 – 3 (30 minute) sessions. Tone returns to places
where skin was loose and sagging particularly in the neck, breasts and arms.
In short Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT) makes you feel better and gently detoxifies the
Clients report before LDT
- Lack of energy
- Immune system challenged
- 10 – 20 lbs overweight
- Mild – Moderate depression
- Can’t seem to loose weight
- Clothes fit tight at bust and around waist
- Allergies have progressively worsened over past 2 years
After LDT
- Have more energy
- Improved immune function
- Begun loosing lbs &/or inch’s
- Think clearer, more upbeat
- Making nice changes
- Down a bra and pant size everything is fitting looser
- Now if I get sick its much milder & clears quicker
If Lymphatic Drainage Therapy appeals to you, sessions are
available at our Institute Monday – Saturday by appointment.
Kim Krost is the owner of the Integrative Healing Institute.
She has been a licensed massage therapist for 15 years and massage therapy
instructor. She is a Lymphatic Drainage practitioner and is co-creator of
Natural Reflex Therapy, a natural wellness technique that focuses on the
neuro-lymphatic points on the body to encourage health and well being.