Saturday, August 3, 2013

What are Essential Oils?

How are Essential Oils and Hydrosols made?

Essential Oils and Hydrosols are the byproduct of steam distillation. 

Essential oils are highly concentrated substances. One drop of aromatic oil could represent from a twenty pounds of raw material to thousands of pounds of material. 

Hydrosols are the water obtained as a result of the steam passing through the raw material. They are affordable, gentle and easy to use. 

Expression is used to extract essential oils in large celled structures such as citrus fruit. In this case the rind contains the oil cells.

Enfluerage is the most expensive and time intensive process and is used for expressing oils from flowers.

What is Synthetic Oil?

A synthetic is an artificial fragrance made to duplicate the scent of an essential oil. Synthetics do not have any of the therapeutic properties of essential oils. Most of the average person's exposure to aromatherapy is to a synthetic product.

What is the difference between Organic, Natural and Wildcrafted?

Organically grown plants (free from pesticides or chemical fertilizers) produce essential oils with superior therapeutic qualities. Expect to pay more for "certified organic" essential oils.

A truly natural essential oil product is less processed, pure in essence and possibly made in small quantities in a home setting or on a small farm.

Wildcrafted plants are grown in their natural habitat or ecosystem, far away from any pesticides or artificial fertilizers. This is the most natural growing condition that often yields the finest essential oil.

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